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Huang Jin Gui Tea: A Delicious and Aromatic Oolong from China

Huang Jin Gui tea, a type of oolong tea grown in the Fujian province of China, has a sweet and floral taste with a hint of honey. It is also known for its smooth and refreshing finish. 

This tea is made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant and is partially fermented, giving it a flavor that is neither entirely black nor fully green tea. In addition to its delicious taste, this tea is also believed to have several health benefits.

If you want to learn about this popular tea, keep reading since we explore many of its facets.

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Huang Jin Gui Tea

Oolong Tea, Green” by Aramek is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

What is Huang Jin Gui Tea?

Huang Jin Gui, also known as Jin Gui, means “golden osmanthus” in Chinese. It’s a popular tea in China, and it’s also gaining popularity in other parts of the world. By the way, osmanthus flowers are small, usually white or yellow, with a distinctive sweet, fruity fragrance.

Huang Jin Gui tea is grown in the Fujian province of China, known for its high-quality tea. And, within that high-quality tea, we have some of the country’s most notorious oolongs. As a reminder, oolongs are semi-oxidized tea, which means they are between green and black tea—this level of oxidation results in a floral and fruity flavor with a hint of sweetness.

The Huang Jin Gui tea leaves rolled into tight balls, unfurling as they steeped in hot water. The color of the tea is a bright golden yellow, which is where it gets its name. It has a smooth and silky texture, and it’s a great tea to drink on its own or with a meal.

The tea is low in caffeine, so you can enjoy it any time of day without worrying about staying up all night.

Origin and History

Huang Jin Gui tea originated in Anxi County. This county is known for producing some of the best oolong teas in the world (like Tie Guan Yin).

Legend has it that the tea was discovered by a man named Luo Yan, a tea farmer. One day, while walking through his tea plantation, he noticed a small yellow-leafed tea plant. He picked a few leaves and brewed them, and to his surprise, the tea had a surprisingly delicious flavor. He named the tea Huang Jin Gui as the tea had a subtle osmanthus fragrance.

The tea quickly gained popularity among tea connoisseurs in China and beyond. Today, it is one of the most sought-after oolong teas in the world. The tea is made from a specific cultivar of tea plant. The tea leaves are handpicked and processed using traditional methods.

If you ever get the chance to visit Anxi County, you can visit the Luo Yan Village, which is named after the man who discovered the tea. The village is home to many tea plantations and houses, where you can taste some of the best oolong teas in China.

Huang Jin Gui Tea

Tasting Notes

Huang Jin Gui Tea offers a distinctive flavor profile that combines various elements to create a delightful sensory experience. Here is a description of its flavor:

  • Floral: This tea is known for its prominent floral notes. It exudes an enchanting aroma reminiscent of orchid and osmanthus flowers. The floral character is both fragrant and delicate, contributing to the tea’s overall appeal.
  • Sweetness: This tea exhibits a natural sweetness that adds depth and balance to its flavor. The subtle sweetness lingers on the palate, providing a pleasant and satisfying sensation.
  • Fruity: Huang Jin Gui often carries subtle fruity undertones, which can vary depending on the specific tea leaves, processing techniques, and growing conditions. Some common fruity notes in this tea include hints of peach, apricot, or citrus, lending a refreshing and bright aspect to the overall taste.
  • Smooth: The texture of the tea is typically smooth and velvety, contributing to its overall enjoyment. The tea leaves undergo a specific rolling and oxidizing process, which enhances the smoothness and creates a pleasant mouthfeel.
  • Subtle Earthiness: While the tea is primarily known for its floral and fruity qualities, it may also exhibit subtle earthy undertones. This adds a depth of flavor and complexity to the overall profile, complementing the other aromatic and sweet notes.

Flavor Variations

Huang Jin Gui tea primarily refers to a specific cultivar of the Camellia sinensis plant rather than a different variety. 

However, factors such as growing conditions, processing methods, and terroir influence the characteristics of the tea.


As mentioned, the tea is primarily grown in Anxi County. Within this region, different tea gardens and microclimates can impart subtle differences in the tea’s flavor, aroma, and overall quality.

Harvesting Season

The time of year when the tea leaves are harvested can also affect the flavor profile. Spring harvests generally produce the highest quality tea with fresh and vibrant flavors. Autumn harvests may have slightly different flavor nuances.

Processing Techniques

The specific methods used to process the tea leaves can vary, resulting in variations in flavor and aroma. Differences in oxidation levels, roasting, and rolling can influence the final product. Some Huang Jin Gui teas may undergo heavier oxidation, leading to a more robust flavor, while others may be lightly oxidized for a more delicate taste.

Leaf Grade

Tea can be categorized into different leaf grades based on the size and quality of the leaves. Higher-grade teas typically contain young, tender leaves, while lower-grade teas may contain a mix of leaves and stems. 

Huang Jin Gui Tea

Brewing Huang Jin Gui Tea

Gong Fu Brewing Method

If you want to enjoy the full flavor of Huang Jin Gui, then the Gong Fu brewing method is recommended. This method involves using a small teapot (Yixing clay teapot) and brewing the tea in multiple short infusions. This brewing method ensures the best taste. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Preheat your teapot and cups by rinsing them with hot water.
  2. Add the tea leaves to the teapot. The amount of tea leaves will depend on the size of your teapot, but a general guideline is 1-2 teaspoons of leaves for every 6-8 ounces of water.
  3. Pour hot water over the tea leaves and immediately pour it out. This helps to rinse the tea leaves and awaken their flavor.
  4. Refill the teapot with hot water and steep it for about 20-30 seconds.
  5. Pour the tea into your cups and enjoy the fragrant aroma and delicate taste.
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for multiple infusions, gradually increasing the steeping time with each infusion. You can increase each infusion’s steeping time by 10 to 20 seconds.

Please pay attention to the last step.  You can (and should) infuse your oolong tea multiple times. Please make the most out of it!

Gaiwan Brewing Method

You can use a gaiwan to brew tea as well.  A gaiwan is a traditional Chinese tea vessel that allows you to control your tea’s temperature and steeping time. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Warm the gaiwan and tea cups with hot water,
  2. Add the tea leaves to the gaiwan. Use 1-2 teaspoons of leaves for every 6-8 ounces of water.
  3. For heavily roasted oolongs, pour hot water over the tea leaves and immediately pour it out. This helps to rinse the tea leaves and awaken their flavor.
  4. Slowly pour water over the leaves till the rim of the gaiwan.
  5. Add the lid and steep for 20-30 seconds.
  6. Pour the tea into teacups. While doing this, hold the gaiwan with your thumb and middle finger. Secure the lid with the index finger.
  7. Repeat the process with multiple infusions.

Western Style Brewing

If you prefer to brew tea using Western methods, start by heating the water. Put one teaspoon of tea leaves into a tea infuser or strainer and place it in a cup. Pour the hot water over the leaves and let it steep for about 3-4 minutes. Remove the infuser or strainer, and enjoy your tea.

Ideal Water Temperature

The water temperature plays a crucial role in brewing this tea. If the water is too hot, it can burn the delicate tea leaves and ruin the flavor. On the other hand, if the water is too cold, it may not extract the full flavor of the tea leaves. Here’s the ideal water temperature for brewing this particular tea:

  1. Bring fresh, cold water to a boil.
  2. Let it cool down for 2-3 minutes until the water temperature reaches around 190-200°F (88-93°C).
  3. Pour the hot water over the tea leaves and let it steep for the desired time.

Remember to use fresh, cold water that is free of any impurities. Avoid tap water if possible, as it may contain chlorine or other chemicals that can affect the taste of your tea.

Comparison with Other Teas

There are many different varieties to choose from when it comes to tea. Each tea has its own flavor, aroma, and health benefits. Here’s how Huang Jin Gui compares to some other popular teas:

  • Huang Jin Gui vs. Tie Guan Yin: These are oolong teas grown and processed in Anxi but have different flavors and aromas. Huang jin Gui has a sweet, floral taste with a hint of honey, while Tie Guan Yin has a more earthy, nutty flavor. Both teas are known for their health benefits, including promoting weight loss and reducing the risk of heart disease.
  • Huang Jin Gui vs. Green Tea: Green tea is known for its health benefits. It is rich in antioxidants and can help boost metabolism and promote weight loss. However, Huang jin Gui Tea has a sweeter flavor and is less bitter than green tea. It also has a lower caffeine content, making it a good choice for those sensitive to caffeine.
  • Huang Jin Gui vs. Black Tea: Black tea is a strong, bold tea often enjoyed with milk and sugar. It is high in caffeine and can help boost energy levels. However, Huang jin Gui has a more delicate flavor and is less bitter than black tea. It is also lower in caffeine, making it a good choice for those who want to enjoy tea without feeling jittery.

Health Benefits

If you’re looking for a tasty and healthy tea, Huang Jin Gui might be just what you need. Here are some of the health benefits to take into consideration.

  • Antioxidants: The tea is rich in antioxidants, which can help protect your body from damage caused by free radicals.
  • Digestive Health: This tea can aid in digestion and help relieve digestive issues such as bloating, constipation, and nausea. It contains enzymes that can help break down food and promote healthy digestion.
  • Immune System Boost: Consumption of this tea can help boost your immune system and protect your body from infections and diseases.
  • Stress Relief: Huang jin Gui contains theanine, an amino acid that can help reduce stress and anxiety. It can also help improve your mood and promote relaxation.

Buying Huang Jin Gui Tea

Here are some tips to help you find the perfect Huang Jin Gui’s source.

Specialty Tea Shops

A great place to buy this tea is at specialty tea shops. These shops often carry a wide variety of tea blends. You can find loose-leaf tea or tea bags, depending on your preference. Specialty tea shops are also a great place to ask questions and get recommendations from knowledgeable staff members who can help you find products according to your preferences and budget.

Online Retailers

If you are not able to visit a specialty tea shop, you can always turn to online retailers. Many online retailers specialize in tea blends and offer a wide variety of options. When buying online, make sure to read reviews and check the retailer’s reputation to ensure you’re getting a high-quality product.

Here are some recommendations:

T7 TEA Huang Jin Gui

Buy on Amazon now!

Huang Jin Gui Oolong Tea Pyramid

Buy on Amazon now!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the health benefits of Huang Jin Gui Tea?

Huang Jin Gui is known for its numerous health benefits. It contains antioxidants that help to fight free radicals in the body, which can cause damage to cells and lead to diseases such as cancer. It also contains caffeine, which can help to boost energy levels and improve mental alertness. Additionally, this tea has been shown to help lower cholesterol levels and improve heart health.

How does Fujian Red Tea differ from Huang Jin Gui Tea?

Fujian Red Tea, also known as Fujian Black Tea, is a type of black tea grown in Fujian province, China. While both Fujian Red Tea and Huang Jin Gui Tea are grown in the same province, they are different types of tea. Fujian Red Tea is fully oxidized, giving it a strong, bold flavor, while Huang Jin Gui is a lightly oxidized oolong tea with a delicate, floral flavor.

What is the flavor profile of Wan Rong Tea compared to Huang Jin Gui Tea?

Wan Rong Tea, also known as Empress Tea, is a type of oolong tea grown in the Wuyi Mountains of Fujian province, China. It has a rich, full-bodied flavor with notes of honey and caramel. In comparison, Huang Jin Gui has a lighter, more floral flavor with a hint of sweetness.

How does Metal Buddha Oolong Tea compare to Huang Jin Gui Tea?

Metal Buddha Oolong Tea, also known as Tie Guan Yin Tea, is a type of oolong tea grown in China’s Fujian province. It has a complex flavor profile with notes of orchid, honey, and roasted nuts. In comparison, Huang Jin Gui has a lighter, more floral flavor with a hint of sweetness.

What are the differences between Tieguanyin Hong Tea and Huang Jin Gui Tea?

Tieguanyin Hong Tea, also known as Iron Goddess Black Tea, is a type of black tea grown in China’s Fujian province. It has a rich, full-bodied flavor with notes of honey and caramel. In comparison, Huang Jin Gui is a lightly oxidized oolong tea with a delicate, floral flavor. While both teas are grown in Fujian province, they are different types of tea with distinct flavor profiles.

Huang Jin Gui Tea

I hope you enjoyed the article and learned something new.  See you next time!

Have you tried this tea?

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Tie Guan Yin Oolong Tea

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